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Tiny Reviews

Tiny Reviews are just that: a short but meaningful engagement with a publication (book, chapbook, zine). You can review a work of fiction, nonfiction, or poetry. Try to summarize the plot in a sentence or two, and move onto engaging with the argument, the story, the tone/style, or whatever you think is most significant. If you don’t think the author succeeded at whatever they tried to do, or if you found a serious flaw, that’s okay, but remember that criticism should be specific and constructive; what would have made it work better? Reviews are not about whether you personally liked or connected with the book; a reader should learn from your work what they can expect to find if they choose to read the publication for themselves.


Tiny Reviews may be written or recorded as a video. Written reviews should be no more than 500 words; video recordings should be no longer than 5 minutes in length. $25 honorarium.


Our Tiny Reviews



LibroMobile Bookstore 

1150 S. Bristol St., #A3,
Santa Ana, CA 92704


Bookstore Hours:

Sat. & Sun. 9-5pm

Tues.-Fri 11-7pm

24/7 Virtually

Crear Studio Gallery
222 W. 5th St.
Santa Ana, CA 92701

Gallery Hours During Exhibitions:

4-8pm Thursdays & Fridays
12-4pm Saturdays
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Designed by Sandra Lopez

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